Our Mission

To uphold the legacy of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco to care for those with lack of means and provide assistance to orphans, disabled and destitute children, and indigent elderly.

Helping Those in Need

Over 70 years of History

While concerning oneself with the salvation of men’s souls, one needs to remember that people also have bodily needs which declare their presence. One cannot preach the Gospel without manifesting love in one’s deeds.
— St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco

causes we support

Humanitarian Aid

for Ukraine

With your generous contribution help has being provided to thousands of displaced families and people with no means in Kyiv and other regions. Thank you for your support!
— Peace to You Foundation, Kyiv, Ukraine

Shelters for the Elderly & Disabled


Your donations paid for the facilities’ much needed repairs and the Sisterhood is so grateful!
— Matushka Galina, Head of the sisterhood of St. Juliana Olshanskaya, Kyiv, Ukraine

Bethany School for Girls

West Bank, Palestine

An open school is a sign of stability that is absolutely necessary for these children in the midst of the war storming the Middle East. The donations always come at the right time, we are grateful for your love and continuous support!
— Mother Maria, Bethany School Principal

Orphans & Destitute Children in Africa

St. John Mission in Uganda, Father Silouan Brown

Our Fund was the keynote guest speaker at the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. John at the iconic InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco. Thank you for your generous donations!